
Five little things that can make a big difference to employee engagement

Nobody wants to feel like an outcast in the workplace and it’s no secret that plenty of employee engagement results in increased productivity, employee retention, profitability – the list goes on. Here are five keywords that help to improve employee engagement:

#1 – Trust

Employees need to trust each other as well as whoever’s in charge. Nobody gets to choose who they work with – just like we can’t choose our neighbours – but steps can be made to ensure a harmonious atmosphere is maintained. Team spirit is vital in a successful office environment and employee engagement often depends on how well staff get along and trust each other.

#2 – Goals

It’s refreshing for employees to know exactly what will be expected of them from the minute they are hired and it’s always good to have something to work towards. Communicate clear expectations and goals to your staff. Most employees want to be a part of an exciting future, so outline what they can achieve and how they can go about reaching their targets.

#3 – Praise

Constructive criticism is fine, but most people thrive from receiving positive feedback. It doesn't take much for a leader to acknowledge when something is done well, but a little show of appreciation goes a long way in boosting confidence and morale in staff. When somebody knows they’re doing something well, they’ll do more of it.

#4 – Share

To avoid anyone feeling left out of the big picture, let people in on what is going on within the company as well as how their jobs contribute to the grand scheme of things.

#5 – Incentives

Hitting targets is made easier with incentives, but managers should realise that different things motivate different employees. Pay rises, days off, team building sessions, fast-food Fridays – there are countless ways in which managers can create a sense of belonging within a company.

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