
Interview with Louie Spence

When on work experience with the ZOO magazine I was asked to go to the Pineapple Dance studios and interview TV personality and dancer, Louie Spence. It was the Sky Sports 3D launch, so in typical Spence style, he got me and the mascots involved with a dance routine and there was even time to strike some poses.

Matt – First of all, do you support a football team?

Louis – Well it depends on who is in the football team, that’s who I’ll support. I’m all supporting in things like the World Cup, like really big kind of things. I’m not a supporter of such, but it depends who is in the team. Who’s got the best-looking players. I’m sorry, call me shallow!..

Matt – Who is the best looking player in your eyes?
Louis – I think for me its still David Beckham. I mean, Ronaldo’s cute, but you know, he’s bordering on a bit gay for me, what with those shorts being tucked up! Either get in a pair of speedos or wear the short shorts, make your mind up what your doing!

Matt – Regarding England, what do you think their performances were like during the World Cup?
Louis – Oh you know, I was really disappointed. I think that we have got the skilled players, but I think that they didn’t gel together as a team. I just think that they didn’t work together well as a team. When you watched the other games, especially the Spanish in the final, you could really see, as a team, they’d really worked out where they were going, what their strategy was, and I think that we weren’t gelling together. I think there was too much going on outside the football for some of the boys.

Matt – You’ve obviously got football knowledge, so if you the England manager, what would you have told them at half time in the Germany game?
Louis – Just literally focus on the game, not on anything else. Literally focus on the game at hand, don’t let your mind wonder. I mean come on, they were playing for our country, they were playing for England.

Matt – Would you have given them a good old bollocking?
Louis – I would have given them more than a good old bollocking, I would have given them a good old slap!…Or two!

Matt – Obviously you’re a great dance, describe to me your perfect celebration if you were to score a 40-yard screamer!
Louis – Corr, a 40-yard screamer, I mean that would pretty much be a celebration in itself!  I think for me, I would do a row of flips. Literally, I would do about 15 back flips with an open layout somersault landing in the splits, spinning on my head, and then doing a double pirouette with a layout and putting my leg round my neck. I think something simple like that!

Matt – Have you ever hung out with any footballers before?
Louis – I was just with David Beckham the other week, I was at his for dinner, so yeah. And I’ve hung out with Rio Ferdinand a couple of times. But yeh, I’d say, more David than anyone else.

Matt – What’s he like?
Louis – He’s a really, really, really nice guy. Yeah really nice. I mean I know him from when I did Spice Girls and all that stuff. But no, he’s a very, very nice guy. Very charming, very nice. Lovely lovely man.

Matt – Who else would you want to hang out with? Maybe Christiano Ronaldo?
Louis – No, I would say, I quite like Frank Lampard, he’s going out with Christine Bleakly, that one innit. John Terry I quite like, cos he was naughty, cos like in his personal life, so I think that’s always good! I think Ronaldo’s cute, coming from a gay man, but he looks too much like all the other gay men, so what’s the point in fancying him.

On today –

Matt – How is today going?
Louis – We’re having a lot of fun, I mean all the guys are really up for it. We’ve done a little dance routine for them, which is going to be filmed, and we’ve done some single shot photos which some of them got carried away with. One of them fell in the slips, but I’ve just done ten of them back to back. I mean really, in the space of 5 minutes, that’s a hard push and shove for anyone! Arsenal and Chelsea are doing quite well. The wolf’s doing quite well. I mean their all doing well, we’re just having a laugh.

Matt – Which one’s your favourite?
Louis – I think it might be Chelsea. Yeah I’m sorry, well I think it might be between Chelsea and Arsenal.

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