
Texting whilst walking banned

Have you ever tried texting whilst walking along in the street? It's a perilous task, one that often leads to injuries or embarrassment. All it takes is a stray lamppost and for you to be in the middle of an SMS conversation and suddenly you're looking around, checking to see if anyone has seen your clumsy incident.

The likelihood is that they did, just as they did when this girl fell into a shopping mall fountain when she was too involved in her mobile phone. Unfortunately for this girl, her incident was not only seen by onlookers at the time, it was captured on the mall's CCTV and then went viral on YouTube!

In the American state of Pennsylvania, a fine of $120 will now be issued to people who text whilst they walk. The crack down is part of a 'Give Respect - Get Respect' campaign and texting whilst walking along, has been highlighted as a cause for concern. Can you imagine being fined for walking into a lamppost now? The cheek of it!

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